Mini Cherry Cheesecakes
If you are like me, you love cheesecake. The texture and the feel of it in your mouth, the smooth rich creaminess, and that distinct flavor, not too sweet, not too tart, simple and perfect, we all love it.

What do you do when you are the only one in your house that wants cherry cheesecake? You probably aren't going to want to purchase an entire four pound cheesecake to eat all by yourself., and no one wants to have to throw away half of a beautiful cherry cheesecake. The simple solution is mini cherry cheesecakes.

These delightful morsels are made from exactly the same recipe as the larger desserts, however, in a much more manageable size for one person. You can keep these mini cherry cheesecakes in the freezer for up to six to eight weeks, and only remove a few when you are in the mood for a delicious cherry cheesecake snack, these delightful snacks will also keep in the refrigerator for up to seven days. Maybe you will even like them straight out of the freezer, more like a cheesecake ice cream treat. However you choose to enjoy your cheesecakes, these treats are definitely the way to go.

These mini cherry cheesecakes, are small, three inch versions of the traditional New York cheesecake, and are accompanied by a cherry topping that will make your mouth water. The only thing you will have to do is take out the cheesecake, add the topping, and viola, a decadent desert, in under a minute. These are great for those last minute unexpected guests that arrive for dinner and coffee. Of course, you may want to save these gourmet cheesecakes, and keep them all to yourself, after all, you don't want to have uninvited guests every night of the week!

These wonderful desserts would also make a lovely light breakfast along with a nice vanilla flavored coffee. This would be a decadent breakfast, that maybe you would want to reserve just for that special Sunday brunch. A mothers day breakfast in bed, that included one of these mini cherry cheesecakes, would be such a delight to wake up to, and what a beautiful way to let someone know you care.

Mini Cherry Cheesecakes
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